Chelmsford Time Bank

Welcome to Chelmsford Time Bank!

Timebanking is volunteering with a twist! It’s a project which supports and encourages people to help each other and a great way to be part of your community by offering some of your spare time and skills to others. You can also ask for some help yourself - perhaps you need help with your garden. In turn, you may be able to offer someone else some help, perhaps becoming a telephone buddy to a housebound person. Let’s help build a community where everyone is respected and regarded as an asset!

Timebanking is for people from all ages and backgrounds and everyone’s time is valued equally. One hour of your time is equal to one hour of someone else’s time so whatever service or skill you choose to exchange 1 hour = 1 time credit. If you don't need any help yourself you can donate the time credits you have earned to a Community Pot as another way to ensure that elderly or vulnerable people in our community get the help they need.

Timebanking can be for individuals or organisations, and there is also the opportunity for organisations and groups to become mini-timebanks and build up their own community pots.

Time Bank members can share their skills and give their time to help in a wide variety of ways such as; help with computers, teaching music, gardening, baking, painting, knitting and more!

Why not join us and find out just how rewarding Timebanking can be!

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Painting and decorating
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Teaching computer skills

The Chelmsford Time Bank Team Telephone: 01245 250731 Email:

Part of the Essex Time Bank funded by the Big Lottery and Essex County Council in partnership with Community 360.

Chelmsford Time Bank is a project of Chelmsford Centre Supporting Voluntary Action (CVS). Charity no. 1112483 Company no. 05586169