Welcome to Stanley Time Bank

based in Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland

Home page for current Stanley Time Bank Members and for Stanley villagers 

interested in finding out more about what we do... and maybe joining us.

The Time Bank is run by Stanley Development Trust as part of the Care and Wellbeing Project.

What is a Time Bank?

Timebanking is a free exchange of time and skills. People give an hour of their time to help someone and earn a ‘time-credit’ which can be exchanged for an hour of help for themselves. For each hour you give, you get something back. It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s free! Everyone’s skill is worth exactly the same regardless of the activity offered. Everyone is equal in a timebank!

1 hour = 1 time-credit

What skills can be exchanged?

Almost anything! Typical exchanges range from gardening or small DIY help, to dog-walking, baking, teaching crafts, music and IT. The timebank members decide what to exchange and as the timebank gets bigger, so does the pool of activities on offer.


Total members


Total Exchanges


Total hours exchanged

LItter Pick January 2022

Litter Pick January 22

Countryside Conservation Group path clearing

Stanley Time Bank is now live and interactive!

Once you are a member you can:

o Log In

View the Members Guide in the drop down menu of My Account, it contains everything you need to know about using the system

Have a look at the Offers & Requests page for inspiration of skills given and received

Update you Profile information maybe adding a few things your are interested to your biography - this wil be seen by other members

Using Edit Preferences tick those activites you can offer or may want help with

       Have a look at the Offers & Requests page for inspiration of skills given and received

o Respond to a request, post and/or accept an offer on your own request

o Once the exchange has been accepted, arrange the date and time it will take place via the messaging system on the software

o Please note; both parties need to confirm the exchange has taken place in order for this to appear as ‘complete’

o Remember that an hour of your time is equal to an hour of someone else’s regardless of the activity

REMEMBER: Offers and Requests is where you will find all the opportunities and activities available through the Time Bank

If you would like to become a member:

Click on the Join button at the top and follow the instructions for joining.

When we receive your online application one of our very friendly Time Brokers will get in touch and activate your  account. 


We still have our Time Brokers available for contacting directly so if you have a question; want to sort your exchange out through a Time Broker; want advice on your request or are thinking of joining but just would like to know more about the Time Bank before you join, then please contact:

Email: broker@stanleydevelopmenttrust.org 

Phone: Norma on 01738 827314