
Welcome to Timesight Time Bank. Our time bank is for people living with disabilities, and people within  their communities, to share their time and skills. Everyone is welcome at Timesight.

For every hour you give, you earn an hour in return.

In timebanking, you help someone for an hour - reading post or filling forms, for example, supporting the use of specialist software, or even teaching a language. Whatever your skills are, you can offer them to other members of Timesight. And if you need a little help, you can post a request - or just browse to see what other members are offering.

Examples of exchanges.

A man with a white beard and dark glasses is sitting on a sofa. Next to him is a young girl aged around 10. He is holding a Braille book and is reading to her.
A man with a white beard and dark glasses is sitting on a sofa. Next to him is a young girl aged around 10. He is holding a Braille book and is reading to her.
A smiling woman wearing dark glasses is sitting on a park bench. She is holding a white stick in one hand. Her other hand is patting a friendly golden retriever dog.
A smiling woman wearing dark glasses is sitting on a park bench. She is holding a white stick in one hand. Her other hand is patting a golden retriever dog.
Two people are on a path near some trees. One is wearing glasses and using a wheelchair; the other is using a stick.

Two people are on a path near some trees. One is wearing glasses and using a wheelchair; the other is using a stick.

Image of wall clock

Basics of timebanking

For every hour of help you give, you earn a timebanking hour. You can spend this receiving an hour from another member of your time bank. For example, you could learn how to cook a certain dish, or get help painting your fence. Everyone's time is valued equally, whatever skill they are offering.


Contact Details

TBUK time banks are community groups with limited time and resources. If you have a general question about timebanking or would like to set up a time bank, please visit the Timebanking UK website or email us at info@timebanking.org.