Building Healthy Communities Together
1 hour at a time
We are based at Gunton Estate Community Hall, Hollingsworth Road, Lowestoft NR32 4AY
Our goal is to unite and strengthen our community of Lowestoft, so that together as a town we become the solution to some of the most critical issues we are facing.
Time banking is a way for people to come together to help others, their community and themselves at the same time. Members 'deposit' their time in the Time Bank by giving practical help and support to others and are able to 'withdraw' their time when they need something done themselves.
Becoming a Time Bank Member doesn't only have practical benefits it has been proven to help with mental health, wellbeing and feelings of isolation.
"The Time Bank has done so much for me and my confidence and always seems to play a part in picking me up when I'm feeling low. Sometimes it's in a small, unusual or unexpected way but I just want more people to experience that"
Simone, Rushet Green Time Bank
How it works
Register today - click the Join button at the top of this page
This will take you through the registration process, here you can choose the type of jobs you would like to offer, a Time Bank Coordinator can help you with this if you prefer.
The signing up process is the same and you can change membership level at any time.
1. Basic Individual Time Bank Membership
- Attend Time Bank Meetings and receive Newsletters
- Open a Time Bank Account where time given and received is recorded
- Exchange support and skills with other Time Bank Members but not in their own homes
You will be asked to sign a form stating you have read and abide by our terms of conduct.
2. Full Individual Time Bank Membership
- Attend Time Bank Meeting and receive Newsletters
- Open a Time Bank Account where time given and received is recorded.
- Exchange support and skills with other Time Bank Members in their own homes (excluding 1:1 vulnerable people)
You will be asked to provide 2 informal character references, you will also be asked to sign a form stating you have read and abide by our terms of conduct.
3. Enhanced Individual Time Bank Membership
- Attend Time Bank Meeting and receive Newsletters
- Open a Time Bank Account where time given and received is recorded.
- Exchange support and skills with other Time Bank Members in their own homes
- Exchange support and skills with Vulnerable Time Bank Members 1:1
You will be asked to provide a current DBS Check, 2 character references, you will also be asked to sign a form stating you have read and abide by our terms of conduct. This is to keep everyone safe.
4. Basic Group Time Bank Membership
- Attend Time Bank Meetings and receive Newsletters
- Open a Time Bank Account where time given and received is recorded
- Exchange support and skills with other Time Bank Members but not in their own homes unless individuals have Full or Enhanced Membership.
You will be asked to sign a form stating you have read and abide by our terms of conduct.
Once you have registered, you will be sent an email with an Application form if you require Full or Enhanced Membership or you can fill it in here Lowestoft Time Bank Application Form.
If you would like to help those who are vunerable we would require a DBS check, your Time Bank Coordinator will talk you through this.
When you are ready you can post an offer - such as gardening help, or dog walking, or you can wait and respond to a post for help. The exchanges are all made via our hub and are covered by our insurance.
If you would like more information or would like to arrange a visit with your Time Bank Coordinator please send us a message.
With so much flexibility to suit you, there is nothing to stand in your way of helping someone have a better day.